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No, I'm not calling for Al Gore to run for President in 2008; though I think he was rightfully elected in 2000, but that's a matter for another time.

I saw Al Gore's new movie, An Inconvenient Truth, last weekend and I was inspired! Al Gore is witty, funny, smart, and prescient. Everyone should go and see the movie.

But what the movie tells us and has informed me is that we must think about long term problems now and address them before it's too late.

Too many of our politicians think in 2, 4, and 6 year terms and don't think in 20, 50, and 100 year terms, as they should. Climate change is real, and if we don't address it now, we'll pay for it very seriously in fifty years.

Republicans should be with us on this issue. This is pure science. Last year, a random sample of 928 peer-reviewed studies on climate change reported a unanimity that the planet is warming, and carbon emissions from human activity is the primary cause. A vast majority of scientists also believe the effects are accelerating and we have a ten year minimum at most before the effects of global warming become nearly irreversible.

Al Gore has a website, climatecrisis.net, that provides information on climate change and ways we can personally, at the individual level, and socially, at the national and global level to reverse the effects of global warming. Let's begin to save our planet, and our lives, and the human race, by demanding that all Democratic presidential candidates in 2008 commit to reducing carbon emissions around the world and help them get elected President in 2008. We can do it!